Enhance your practice and refine your skills.


All of us get stuck with a client at some point. It’s one of those moments when we feel helpless, not knowing what to do anymore. We might start doubting our own skills as therapists and/or we start working hard to somehow help the client. If you’ve been at that point you know how valuable it is to get professional support. Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) supervision  involves developing a safe relationship, a supervisory alliance, which includes the identification of the supervisees difficulty for each supervision session, the identification of supervision task markers and the identification of a resolution.


We will ask you to record your sessions and we will watch them together carefully. Together we’ll focus on the client’s moment-by- moment processing and your responses in the session. I support you to become more aware of, and attuned to, moment-by-moment changes, expressions, and reflections by the client that occur in response to your interventions. EFT supervision involves perceiving momentary fluctuations in nonverbal aspects of expression, understanding the way a client experiences events, as well as identifying in-session markers of problem states and the client’s micro-processes, which are opportunities for intervention.


I also offer supervision in systemic individual and couples therapy and team supervision. Especially, in working with multicultural clients and couples.


If you have any further questions in regard to my supervision, please don’t hesitate to contact me.